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Government in America : People, Politics, and Policy, 2012 Election Edition by Edwards, George C., III, Wa... ISBN: 9780205865611 List Price: $128.00
Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy by George C. Edwards, Martin P... ISBN: 9780321292360 List Price: $132.90
Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy (15th Edition) by George C. Edwards III, Mart... ISBN: 9780205806379 List Price: $205.60
Study Guide for Government in America : People, Politics, and Policy by Lineberry, Robert L., Edwar... ISBN: 9780205056934
Government In America People, Politics, and Policy; Brief Edition by Edwards, George C., III, Wa... ISBN: 9780321318138 List Price: $81.60
Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, Brief Edition (11th Edition) by George C. Edwards III, Mart... ISBN: 9780205806584 List Price: $139.20
Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, Brief Study Edition (11th Edition) by George C. Edwards III, Mart... ISBN: 9780205826087 List Price: $139.20
Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, Brief Study Edition (10th Edition) by Edwards, George C., Wattenb... ISBN: 9780205662883 List Price: $96.67
Government in America, 2014 Elections and Updates Edition, Book a la Carte Edition (16th Edi... by George C. Edwards III, Mart... ISBN: 9780133913729 List Price: $90.67
Government in America by Edwards, George C., III, Wa... ISBN: 9780205662876 List Price: $109.60
Speaking Clearly Improving Voice and Diction by Hahner, Jeffrey C., Salisch... ISBN: 9780072486964 List Price: $94.38
Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy by George C. Edwards, Martin P... ISBN: 9780321195241 List Price: $92.95
Designing for Print Production Essential Concepts by Luttropp, John C., Greenwal... ISBN: 9781418042271 List Price: $61.95
Government in America, 2012 Election Edition, Plus NEW MyPoliSciLab with Pearson eText -- Ac... by George C. Edwards III, Mart... ISBN: 9780205950058 List Price: $150.87
Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 2012 Election Edition, Books a la Carte... by George C. Edwards III, Mart... ISBN: 9780205935994 List Price: $94.00
Speaking Clearly: Improving Voice and Diction by Jeffrey C. Hahner, Martin A... ISBN: 9781478600947 List Price: $59.95
Torts: Cases, Problems, and Exercises by Russell L. Weaver, John H. ... ISBN: 9781422472200 List Price: $185.00
C and Unix Tools for Software Design by Barrett, Martin L., Wagner,... ISBN: 9780471309277 List Price: $111.95
Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, Texas Edition by George C. Edwards, Martin P... ISBN: 9780205518029 List Price: $137.33
Ap Exam Test Government in America,Twelfth Edition by George C. Edwards, Robert L... ISBN: 9780321357410 List Price: $21.25
Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 2012 Election Edition, Books a la Carte... by George C. Edwards III, Mart... ISBN: 9780205936236 List Price: $93.33
Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy by Edwards, George C., Wattenb... ISBN: 9780205662890 List Price: $154.40
Government in America 4v by Edwards, George C., Wattenb... ISBN: 9780205621668 List Price: $121.60
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